Ecology | Sustainability

You Print, We Plant Trees

With our PrintReleaf Certification you can help us to sustain and grow our global forestry system…one print job at a time.

Planting Trees, One Paper At A Time

Paper is at the heart of our business, it’s what makes us who we are. That’s why our team at AlphaGraphics is doing our part to promote global reforestation. We’d like to thank all of our customers for being part of our forest neutral initiative. Because of you and your business, trees are planted in the Dominican Republic, Brazil, India and throughout the globe.

Global Reforestation

AlphaGraphics in American Fork is a partner with, the world’s first technology platform that automatically converts our paper footprint into actual trees. As you print through us, we actively replant trees where the planet needs it most. Because we use resources from the earth to create our products, it’s our mission to avoid disrupting the natural life cycle through reforestation.

Paper To Tree Calculation

As we sell our paper products to loyal customers, our technology platform tracks how much is being used. By reverse calculating, it measures how many trees we plant, knowing that 8,300 sheets of paper make up 1 tree. AlphaGraphics in American Fork has proudly reforested 980 trees and counting from the start of our partnership.

Backed By A Certification Program

SGS International, the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, certifies Print Releaf’s Global Forestry Partners and leads field audits across the network of projects to verify 100% net survival of our forests.

It’s a known fact that trees are a staple to life, along with its byproduct. By being certified in the Print Releaf initiative, our team at AlphaGraphics in American Fork can confidently say we are doing our part to reforest what we use. You print, we plant.

PrintReleaf Certifications