
Canvas Prints & Wraps

Nothing is more simple, yet effective, than a great picture or image printed on quality canvas. Our canvas prints are printed in high resolution, vivid full color or stunning black and white, handcrafted onto a sturdy wood frame.

Stunning Printed Canvas Prints

High-grade canvas is a unique material. It can be printed flat or wrapped around sturdy wood frames for the gallery look. Durable and clean, high-quality canvas prints make fashionable signage extremely cost-effective. Still have questions about custom canvas prints? Give us a call at 602-263-0122, or visit us today at AlphaGraphics on Camelback.

What Kind of Photos Can be Printed on Canvas?

It is best if you choose high-quality vivid photos that feature centered subjects, clear backgrounds with high resolutions, and bright colors. Images from your smartphone or social media are perfect for small photo canvases, while higher resolution photos like those from digital cameras are perfect for larger prints or canvas poster printing.

Our custom canvas prints are easy to order (local or online)!

Really super easy to order canvas prints online!

If you can click a button, you can order your own custom canvas prints. Gallery wrapped and museum-quality gallery wraps.

  • Simply click here to get started and order online.

  • Got questions? We’ll walk you through your options every step of the way from designing through checkout. Give us a call at 602-263-0122.

We print all our canvas prints in-house and on-demand. We do not send your prints out of state. Our canvas prints are created with professional printing techniques and use the latest printing technology to ensure they last for years to come.

Canvas at Work

Canvas gallery wrapped prints can be used in a business setting, a kids game room, or on a wall at a school

  • Sales Offices
  • Reception Areas
  • Conference Rooms
  • Service Areas

We even do custom sizes!

Canvas is perfect for

  • Building signage
  • Dimensional lettering and logos
  • Easels and brochure holders
  • Commercial and industrial applications
  • Showrooms
  • Lobby displays
  • Tradeshow exhibits
  • Retail signs
  • Name badges
  • Directional and Informational signs
  • Menu boards
  • Point-of-purchase products
  • Nameplates

Canvas signs and graphics in Phoenix, Arizona

Signage and Canvas go together like peanut butter and jelly
The uses for Canvas gallery wraps are almost endless. Most commonly used in residential settings, great images, and pictures printed in high resolution on premium quality canvas are perfect for many business uses. Consider a great product image with a subtle logo in the corner and professionally presented in your customer lobby or sales area. We have often used "emotional" images or pictures in conference rooms to further move the brand image. (Think a child enjoying an ice cream cone for a food company, or a runner dripping with sweat for an athletic company).

When it comes to creating extraordinary canvas prints, no place is faster, easier, or more quality driven than AlphaGraphics on Camelback! Simply choose a gallery wrap option, orientation, and size – from small to extra-large. Then upload photos, preview your creation, and place your order. It really is as easy as that! With multi-photo collages at no extra charge and expert photo retouching available, your favorite photos can go right from your screen to a cherished spot at home in just days! To order online, click here!

Transform your space with Canvas Prints by AlphaGraphics on Camelback. Our high-quality hand-built canvases are guaranteed to last a lifetime. Create Canvas Art everyone will enjoy and appreciate for years to come. We offer various styles which include: Multi Panel Canvas Prints, Instagram Canvas Prints, and Canvas Collage for a modern scheme for your space. Your Canvas Pictures will truly shine with our complimentary photo retouching that sharpens images and vibrancy for flawless results.

If you want to do a professional sign to really highlight your entry or reception area, no other media or material is better suited. The professional qualities of canvas signs make them an ideal choice for all sorts of professional offices. Some common sizes are 18” x 24”, 20” x 30”, and 24” x 36” both in landscape and portrait formats.

If you want to see how we can dress up your showroom, office, or lobby, give us a call today at 602-263-0122.

Our Canvas Printing Process

The best printing process in the world will not achieve optimal results unless you first start with a high-resolution image file. Depending on the final size of your canvas print, the image resolution, file size, and dpi play a large role in great quality or just average quality. Modern smartphones like Apple iPhones and Android smartphones take amazing pictures that often are perfectly fine, depending on how large the image setting was set on your smartphone AND how large the print is you want to make. Our canvas printing process is based on getting you the best final print quality, period.

In short, the higher resolution image file you have, the larger the final print size you can make while still maintaining crisp dpi and image print quality. If on the other hand, you have a much older smartphone or digital camera, and your file image size is small, your final canvas print will suffer in image print quality if you enlarge the file too large. Sometimes we suggest a smaller canvas print size from pictures or images that were shot in too low of a resolution setting, or too small of file size. So, why choose AlphaGraphics on Camelback? Quality finished canvas products!

If it seems confusing, don't sweat the small stuff, just give us a call, or send your image file to us and we will happily tell you what the best size and options are for your particular image or file. We will walk you through the process of creating a canvas printing with AlphaGraphics, for example, what’s the best way for you to brainstorm your ideas and visions.

Once we sort out all the image and file resolution questions, we will then print your picture in full resolution on premium Canvas. If we are gallery wrapping your Canvas, we will then stretch your Canvas prints onto quality FSC-certified wood for long-lasting results.

Why choose AlphaGraphics Camelback?

Our many years of high-resolution printing onto various substrates including canvas give us the edge you want when committing your pictures and images to canvas. We take the time to do the job right. All our canvas printing is done onsite, never shipped out of state for production. So, why choose AlphaGraphics? Because your lifelong images deserve the very best. 

Need to freshen up your design or get tips on the best display options? AlphaGraphics has done it all, and we’re here to help you develop and implement innovative solutions for your marketing goals.

Contact a team member to set up a free strategic consultation today!

Let us help you get started
